Sunday, February 15, 2009 Late week Character Building-- One New Equity High at a Time! - IFCN Wk 62 –Friday- Equity: $2,727.50 This was another brutal week for followers of FirstStrikePlus. These weeks are inevitable, but when they happen, they still can sting. I...
12:38:00 PM Recap Week starting Feb. 9, 2009 - IFCN Wk 62 –Mon- Equity: $2,695.01 Last week saw a lot of red ink in the FirstStrikePlus trades and even the lone ONS trade taken in the Usd/Chf.The only bright spot was, agai...
Monday, February 2, 2009 Recap Another New Equity High - IFCN Wk 61 –Mon- Equity: $2,659.74 We are doing something right.On Friday we closed very strong in our positions in XAG (silver), and FirstStrike Plus positions of gbp/jpy and...